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Information for RPM fedora-obsolete-packages-40-1.noarch.rpm

SummaryA package to obsolete retired packages
DescriptionThis package exists only to obsolete other packages which need to be removed from the distribution. Packages are listed here when they become uninstallable and must be removed to allow upgrades to proceed cleanly, or when there is some other strong reason to uninstall the package from user systems. The package being retired (and potentially becoming unavailable in future releases of Fedora) is not a reason to include it here, as long as it doesn't cause upgrade problems. Note that this package is not installable, but obsoletes other packages by being available in the repository. Currently obsoleted packages: texlive-elegantbook < svn64122-67 texlive-elegantnote < svn62989-67 texlive-elegantpaper < svn62989-67 texlive-tablestyles < svn34495.0-67 texlive-tablestyles-doc < svn34495.0-67 texlive-pgf-cmykshadings < svn52635-67 (No ticket was provided!) jython < 2.7.1-17 (See libgweather < 40.0-7 libgweather-devel < 40.0-7 (See sssd-libwbclient < 2.3.1-3 sssd-libwbclient-devel < 2.3.1-3 (See giada < 0.22.0-5 (See 5minute < 0.2.32-14 9pfs < 1.0.9-30 actdiag < 3.0.0-6 andriller < 3.3.1-10 androguard < 3.3.5-13 androwarn < 1.6.1-13 awake < 1.0-31 blockdiag < 3.0.0-7 brd < 1.0-25 btest < 0.57-17 datagrepper < 1.0.1-3 datanommer-commands < 1.0.3-5 dlrn < 0.14.0-13 dnf-plugin-swidtags < 0.8.18-3 drat-tools < 1.0.3-16 eric < 20.1-13 fedora-gather-easyfix < 0.2.1-91 fontdump < 1.3.0-29 freecad < 1:0.20.2-5 freecad-data < 1:0.20.2-5 fuse9p < 1.0.9-30 gdeploy < 3.0.0-15 gnome-activity-journal < 1.0.0-8 holland < 1.2.10-3 holland-common < 1.2.10-3 holland-commvault < 1.2.10-3 holland-lvm < 1.2.10-3 holland-mariabackup < 1.2.10-3 holland-mongodump < 1.2.10-3 holland-mysql < 1.2.10-3 holland-mysqldump < 1.2.10-3 holland-mysqllvm < 1.2.10-3 holland-pg_basebackup < 1.2.10-3 holland-pgdump < 1.2.10-3 holland-xtrabackup < 1.2.10-3 imgbased < 1.2.5-0.2 lnst < 15-16 lnst-ctl < 15-16 lnst-slave < 15-16 mathics+cython < 5.0.2-5 mathics+full < 5.0.2-5 mathics < 5.0.2-5 mathicsscript+full < 5.0.0-2 mathicsscript < 5.0.0-2 matrix-synapse+cache-memory < 1.80.0-7 matrix-synapse+url-preview < 1.80.0-7 nodepool < 3.13.1-6 nodepool-builder < 3.13.1-6 nodepool-launcher < 3.13.1-6 nwdiag < 3.0.0-6 openscap-daemon < 0.1.10-20 pico-wizard < 0.1.0^git20220929.934dbcf-3 pyflowtools < pynag < 1.1.2-12 pynag-examples < 1.1.2-12 python-cypari2-doc < 2.1.3-2 python3-APScheduler < 3.8.0-4 python3-Pyped < 1.4-26 python3-acora < 2.2-15 python3-actdiag < 3.0.0-6 python3-adext < 0.3-9 python3-aioambient < 1.3.0-6 python3-aiocurrencylayer < 1.0.4-3 python3-aioguardian < 1.0.4-9 python3-aiozeroconf < 0.1.8-16 python3-airthings < 3.2.0-9 python3-alarmdecoder < 1.13.9-9 python3-ansi < 0.1.3-30 python3-ansible-pygments < 0.1.1-5 python3-apply-defaults < 0.1.4-13 python3-async-generator < 1.10-17 python3-awake < 1.0-31 python3-azure-eventhub < 5.11.1-3 python3-azure-mgmt-automanage < 1.0.0-3 python3-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci < 6.0.0-7 python3-azure-mgmt-dashboard < 1.0.0-3 python3-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager < 1:0.2.0-10 python3-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay < 1.0.0-3 python3-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute < 7.0.0-7 python3-azure-mgmt-reservations < 1:2.0.0-7 python3-bintrees < 2.0.1-31 python3-blockdiag < 3.0.0-7 python3-bloom < 0.11.2-4 python3-bluepy < 1.3.0^20210503git7ad56523-2 python3-btlewrap < 0.1.0-9 python3-catch22 < 0.4.0-11 python3-certbot-dns-cloudxns < 1.32.0-2 python3-cle < 9.0.9572-5 python3-clikit < 0.6.2-8 python3-cmdln < 2.0.0-25 python3-colour-runner < 0.0.4-28 python3-coreapi < 2.3.3-10 python3-coreschema < 0.0.4-10 python3-cornice-sphinx < 1:0.3-21 python3-cotyledon-tests < 1.7.3-15 python3-cypari2 < 2.1.3-2 python3-cypari2-devel < 2.1.3-2 python3-cypy < 0.2.0-13 python3-datanommer-consumer < 0.8.1-20 python3-datanommer-models < 1.0.4-5 python3-django-contact-form < 1.4.2-20 python3-django-robots < 3.1.0-18 python3-django3 < 3.2.19-2 python3-dlrn < 0.14.0-13 python3-dominate < 2.7.0-3 python3-drat < 1.0.3-16 python3-drf-yasg < 1.20.0-8 python3-drf-yasg+validation < 1.20.0-8 python3-editdistance-s < 1.0.0-8 python3-fbthrift-devel < 2022.07.11.00-3 python3-flask-bootstrap < python3-flask-restful < 0.3.9-7 python3-folly-devel < 2022.07.11.00-5 python3-fontdump < 1.3.0-29 python3-formats < 0.1.1-26 python3-fpylll < 0.5.9-2 python3-frozen-flask < 0.12-25 python3-gccinvocation < 0.1-33 python3-geomet < 1.0.0-2 python3-google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer+libcst < 3.7.0-2 python3-google-cloud-containeranalysis+libcst < 2.9.0-2 python3-google-cloud-dataproc+libcst < 5.0.0-2 python3-google-cloud-dlp+libcst < 3.8.0-2 python3-google-cloud-redis+libcst < 2.9.0-3 python3-googletrans < 4.0.0~rc1-10 python3-grako < 3.99.9-6 python3-graphitesend < 0.10.0-23 python3-grpcio-admin < 1.48.4-9 python3-grpcio-csds < 1.48.4-9 python3-guizero < 1.3.0-5 python3-gzipstream < 2.8.6-18 python3-h5py-openmpi < 3.7.0-5 python3-hs-dbus-signature < 0.07-11 python3-igor < 0.3-27 python3-imgbased < 1.2.5-0.2 python3-importmagic < 0.1.7-24 python3-interfile < 0.3.1-25 python3-ipgetter < 0.6-28 python3-itypes < 1.2.0-8 python3-jep < 3.9.1-9 python3-jsonmodels < 2.4-14 python3-jsonrpc-server < 0.4.0-9 python3-jupyter-server-ydoc < 0.7.0-2 python3-krbcontext < 0.10-13 python3-lacrosse < 0.4-10 python3-lasagne < 0.1-26 python3-lazr-smtptest < 2.0.3-24 python3-leveldb < 0.201-12 python3-liblarch < 3.1.0-6 python3-liblarch-gtk < 3.1.0-6 python3-libproxy < 0.4.18-7 python3-libssh2 < 0.7.1-36 python3-lightblue < 0.1.4-18 python3-logging-tree < 1.9-8 python3-luxcorerender < 2.6-22 python3-martian < 0.15-20 python3-molecule < 4.0.4-7 python3-molecule-docker < 2.1.0-3 python3-molecule-podman < 2.0.3-3 python3-mpd2 < 3.1.0-2 python3-mraa < 2.2.0-11 python3-networkmanager < 2.2-10 python3-nose_fixes < 1.3-22 python3-notario < 0.0.16-16 python3-nwdiag < 3.0.0-6 python3-okaara < 1.0.37-23 python3-openapi-spec-validator+requests < 0.5.7-4 python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-grpc < 1:0.39~b0-17 python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-grpc+instruments < 1:0.39~b0-17 python3-operator-courier < 2.1.9-10 python3-optcomplete < 1.2.1-16 python3-pacpy < python3-pecan-notario < 0.0.3-26 python3-petlink < 0.3.4-15 python3-phabricator < 0.7.0-21 python3-py9p < 1.0.9-30 python3-pyPEG2 < 2.15.2-25 python3-pyaes < 1.6.1-12 python3-pydenticon < 0.3.1-19 python3-pyftpdlib < 1.5.7-2 python3-pygpu < 0.7.6-20 python3-pygpu-devel < 0.7.6-20 python3-pyhirte < 0.4.0-2 python3-pymc3 < 3.11.4-6 python3-pyngus < 2.3.0-15 python3-pynlpl < 1.2.7-15 python3-pyoptical < 0.4-26 python3-pyside2 < 1:5.15.7-3 python3-pytelegrambotapi < 4.11.0-2 python3-pytenable < 1.4.12-3 python3-pytest-beakerlib < 0.7.1-21 python3-pytest-capturelog < 0.7-28 python3-pytest-flake8 < 1.1.1-5 python3-pytest-metadata < 1.7.0-11 python3-pytest-sanic < 1.9.1-4 python3-pytest-toolbox < 0.4-13 python3-pytest-virtualenv < 1.7.0-17 python3-pyutil < 3.1.0-15 python3-pyvex < 9.2.32-3 python3-qrencode < 1.2~git.1.b75219e-16 python3-restfly < 1.4.6-5 python3-restsh < 0.2-23 python3-rosinstall < 0.7.8-18 python3-script < 1.7.2-30 python3-seqdiag < 3.0.0-6 python3-shiboken2 < 1:5.15.7-3 python3-shiboken2-devel < 1:5.15.7-3 python3-signalfd < 0.1-34 python3-simplemediawiki < 1.2.0-0.32 python3-simpleparse < 2.2.2-12 python3-simplewrap < 0.3.3-16 python3-simpy < 3.0.9-24 python3-slip < 0.6.4-30 python3-slip-dbus < 0.6.4-30 python3-smart-gardena < 0.7.10-9 python3-spdx < 2.5.0-11 python3-spdx-lookup < 0.3.2-11 python3-sphinx_ansible_theme < 0.9.1-5 python3-sphinxcontrib-actdiag < 2.0.0-9 python3-stdio-mgr < 1.0.1-11 python3-sword < 1:1.9.0-17 python3-tambo < 0.4.0-23 python3-test_server < 0.0.31-19 python3-theano < 1.1.2-7 python3-tortilla < 0.4.1-26 python3-uamqp < 1.6.0-3 python3-upm < 2.0.0-15 python3-upoints < 0.12.2-24 python3-upt-cpan < 0.5-12 python3-upt-fedora < 0.3-11 python3-upt-pypi < 0.4-11 python3-upt-rubygems < 0.2-11 python3-uri-templates < 0.6-29 python3-vcstools < 0.1.42-14 python3-versiontools < 1.9.1-34 python3-vertica < 1.0.5-5 python3-visionegg-quest < 1.1-17 python3-woffTools < 0.1-0.38 python3-wstool < 0.1.18-12 python3-xds-protos < 0.0.11-31 python3-xtermcolor < 1.3-28 python3-yamlordereddictloader < 0.4.0-16 python3-yourls < 0.2.0-31 python3-zabbix-api-erigones < 1.2.4-20 python3-zuul-client < 0.0.4-10 resultsdb < 2.2.0-14 resultsdb_frontend < 2.1.2-14 sagemath < 9.8-2 sagemath-core < 9.8-2 sagemath-data < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-combinatorial_designs < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-conway_polynomials < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-elliptic_curves < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-elliptic_curves_large < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-etc < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-graphs < 9.8-2 sagemath-data-polytopes_db < 9.8-2 sagemath-jupyter < 9.8-2 sagemath-sagetex < 9.8-2 scudcloud < 1.65-17 sendKindle < 3-15 seqdiag < 3.0.0-6 sgmanager < 2.0.0-14 stgit < 1.5-5 sugar-paint < 70-12 swid-tools < 0.8.18-3 thunarx-python < 0.5.2-7 transmageddon < 1.5-31 upt < 0.10.3-14 vitables < 3.0.2-17 vitables-doc < 3.0.2-17 whipper-plugin-eaclogger < 0.5.0-11 woffTools < 0.1-0.38 yokadi < 1.2.0-7 (See R-rgdal < 1.6.7-3 (See
Build Time2023-12-11 10:59:12 GMT
Size25.75 KB
fedora-obsolete-packages = 40-1
5minute < 0.2.32-14
9pfs < 1.0.9-30
R-rgdal < 1.6.7-3
actdiag < 3.0.0-6
andriller < 3.3.1-10
androguard < 3.3.5-13
androwarn < 1.6.1-13
awake < 1.0-31
blockdiag < 3.0.0-7
brd < 1.0-25
btest < 0.57-17
datagrepper < 1.0.1-3
datanommer-commands < 1.0.3-5
dlrn < 0.14.0-13
dnf-plugin-swidtags < 0.8.18-3
drat-tools < 1.0.3-16
eric < 20.1-13
fedora-gather-easyfix < 0.2.1-91
fontdump < 1.3.0-29
freecad < 1:0.20.2-5
freecad-data < 1:0.20.2-5
fuse9p < 1.0.9-30
gdeploy < 3.0.0-15
giada < 0.22.0-5
gnome-activity-journal < 1.0.0-8
holland < 1.2.10-3
holland-common < 1.2.10-3
holland-commvault < 1.2.10-3
holland-lvm < 1.2.10-3
holland-mariabackup < 1.2.10-3
holland-mongodump < 1.2.10-3
holland-mysql < 1.2.10-3
holland-mysqldump < 1.2.10-3
holland-mysqllvm < 1.2.10-3
holland-pg_basebackup < 1.2.10-3
holland-pgdump < 1.2.10-3
holland-xtrabackup < 1.2.10-3
imgbased < 1.2.5-0.2
jython < 2.7.1-17
libgweather < 40.0-7
libgweather-devel < 40.0-7
lnst < 15-16
lnst-ctl < 15-16
lnst-slave < 15-16
mathics < 5.0.2-5
mathics+cython < 5.0.2-5
mathics+full < 5.0.2-5
mathicsscript < 5.0.0-2
mathicsscript+full < 5.0.0-2
matrix-synapse+cache-memory < 1.80.0-7
matrix-synapse+url-preview < 1.80.0-7
nodepool < 3.13.1-6
nodepool-builder < 3.13.1-6
nodepool-launcher < 3.13.1-6
nwdiag < 3.0.0-6
openscap-daemon < 0.1.10-20
pico-wizard < 0.1.0^git20220929.934dbcf-3
pyflowtools <
pynag < 1.1.2-12
pynag-examples < 1.1.2-12
python-cypari2-doc < 2.1.3-2
python3-APScheduler < 3.8.0-4
python3-Pyped < 1.4-26
python3-acora < 2.2-15
python3-actdiag < 3.0.0-6
python3-adext < 0.3-9
python3-aioambient < 1.3.0-6
python3-aiocurrencylayer < 1.0.4-3
python3-aioguardian < 1.0.4-9
python3-aiozeroconf < 0.1.8-16
python3-airthings < 3.2.0-9
python3-alarmdecoder < 1.13.9-9
python3-ansi < 0.1.3-30
python3-ansible-pygments < 0.1.1-5
python3-apply-defaults < 0.1.4-13
python3-async-generator < 1.10-17
python3-awake < 1.0-31
python3-azure-eventhub < 5.11.1-3
python3-azure-mgmt-automanage < 1.0.0-3
python3-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci < 6.0.0-7
python3-azure-mgmt-dashboard < 1.0.0-3
python3-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager < 1:0.2.0-10
python3-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay < 1.0.0-3
python3-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute < 7.0.0-7
python3-azure-mgmt-reservations < 1:2.0.0-7
python3-bintrees < 2.0.1-31
python3-blockdiag < 3.0.0-7
python3-bloom < 0.11.2-4
python3-bluepy < 1.3.0^20210503git7ad56523-2
python3-btlewrap < 0.1.0-9
python3-catch22 < 0.4.0-11
python3-certbot-dns-cloudxns < 1.32.0-2
python3-cle < 9.0.9572-5
python3-clikit < 0.6.2-8
python3-cmdln < 2.0.0-25
python3-colour-runner < 0.0.4-28
python3-coreapi < 2.3.3-10
python3-coreschema < 0.0.4-10
python3-cornice-sphinx < 1:0.3-21
python3-cotyledon-tests < 1.7.3-15
python3-cypari2 < 2.1.3-2
python3-cypari2-devel < 2.1.3-2
python3-cypy < 0.2.0-13
python3-datanommer-consumer < 0.8.1-20
python3-datanommer-models < 1.0.4-5
python3-django-contact-form < 1.4.2-20
python3-django-robots < 3.1.0-18
python3-django3 < 3.2.19-2
python3-dlrn < 0.14.0-13
python3-dominate < 2.7.0-3
python3-drat < 1.0.3-16
python3-drf-yasg < 1.20.0-8
python3-drf-yasg+validation < 1.20.0-8
python3-editdistance-s < 1.0.0-8
python3-fbthrift-devel < 2022.07.11.00-3
python3-flask-bootstrap <
python3-flask-restful < 0.3.9-7
python3-folly-devel < 2022.07.11.00-5
python3-fontdump < 1.3.0-29
python3-formats < 0.1.1-26
python3-fpylll < 0.5.9-2
python3-frozen-flask < 0.12-25
python3-gccinvocation < 0.1-33
python3-geomet < 1.0.0-2
python3-google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer+libcst < 3.7.0-2
python3-google-cloud-containeranalysis+libcst < 2.9.0-2
python3-google-cloud-dataproc+libcst < 5.0.0-2
python3-google-cloud-dlp+libcst < 3.8.0-2
python3-google-cloud-redis+libcst < 2.9.0-3
python3-googletrans < 4.0.0~rc1-10
python3-grako < 3.99.9-6
python3-graphitesend < 0.10.0-23
python3-grpcio-admin < 1.48.4-9
python3-grpcio-csds < 1.48.4-9
python3-guizero < 1.3.0-5
python3-gzipstream < 2.8.6-18
python3-h5py-openmpi < 3.7.0-5
python3-hs-dbus-signature < 0.07-11
python3-igor < 0.3-27
python3-imgbased < 1.2.5-0.2
python3-importmagic < 0.1.7-24
python3-interfile < 0.3.1-25
python3-ipgetter < 0.6-28
python3-itypes < 1.2.0-8
python3-jep < 3.9.1-9
python3-jsonmodels < 2.4-14
python3-jsonrpc-server < 0.4.0-9
python3-jupyter-server-ydoc < 0.7.0-2
python3-krbcontext < 0.10-13
python3-lacrosse < 0.4-10
python3-lasagne < 0.1-26
python3-lazr-smtptest < 2.0.3-24
python3-leveldb < 0.201-12
python3-liblarch < 3.1.0-6
python3-liblarch-gtk < 3.1.0-6
python3-libproxy < 0.4.18-7
python3-libssh2 < 0.7.1-36
python3-lightblue < 0.1.4-18
python3-logging-tree < 1.9-8
python3-luxcorerender < 2.6-22
python3-martian < 0.15-20
python3-molecule < 4.0.4-7
python3-molecule-docker < 2.1.0-3
python3-molecule-podman < 2.0.3-3
python3-mpd2 < 3.1.0-2
python3-mraa < 2.2.0-11
python3-networkmanager < 2.2-10
python3-nose_fixes < 1.3-22
python3-notario < 0.0.16-16
python3-nwdiag < 3.0.0-6
python3-okaara < 1.0.37-23
python3-openapi-spec-validator+requests < 0.5.7-4
python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-grpc < 1:0.39~b0-17
python3-opentelemetry-instrumentation-grpc+instruments < 1:0.39~b0-17
python3-operator-courier < 2.1.9-10
python3-optcomplete < 1.2.1-16
python3-pacpy <
python3-pecan-notario < 0.0.3-26
python3-petlink < 0.3.4-15
python3-phabricator < 0.7.0-21
python3-py9p < 1.0.9-30
python3-pyPEG2 < 2.15.2-25
python3-pyaes < 1.6.1-12
python3-pydenticon < 0.3.1-19
python3-pyftpdlib < 1.5.7-2
python3-pygpu < 0.7.6-20
python3-pygpu-devel < 0.7.6-20
python3-pyhirte < 0.4.0-2
python3-pymc3 < 3.11.4-6
python3-pyngus < 2.3.0-15
python3-pynlpl < 1.2.7-15
python3-pyoptical < 0.4-26
python3-pyside2 < 1:5.15.7-3
python3-pytelegrambotapi < 4.11.0-2
python3-pytenable < 1.4.12-3
python3-pytest-beakerlib < 0.7.1-21
python3-pytest-capturelog < 0.7-28
python3-pytest-flake8 < 1.1.1-5
python3-pytest-metadata < 1.7.0-11
python3-pytest-sanic < 1.9.1-4
python3-pytest-toolbox < 0.4-13
python3-pytest-virtualenv < 1.7.0-17
python3-pyutil < 3.1.0-15
python3-pyvex < 9.2.32-3
python3-qrencode < 1.2~git.1.b75219e-16
python3-restfly < 1.4.6-5
python3-restsh < 0.2-23
python3-rosinstall < 0.7.8-18
python3-script < 1.7.2-30
python3-seqdiag < 3.0.0-6
python3-shiboken2 < 1:5.15.7-3
python3-shiboken2-devel < 1:5.15.7-3
python3-signalfd < 0.1-34
python3-simplemediawiki < 1.2.0-0.32
python3-simpleparse < 2.2.2-12
python3-simplewrap < 0.3.3-16
python3-simpy < 3.0.9-24
python3-slip < 0.6.4-30
python3-slip-dbus < 0.6.4-30
python3-smart-gardena < 0.7.10-9
python3-spdx < 2.5.0-11
python3-spdx-lookup < 0.3.2-11
python3-sphinx_ansible_theme < 0.9.1-5
python3-sphinxcontrib-actdiag < 2.0.0-9
python3-stdio-mgr < 1.0.1-11
python3-sword < 1:1.9.0-17
python3-tambo < 0.4.0-23
python3-test_server < 0.0.31-19
python3-theano < 1.1.2-7
python3-tortilla < 0.4.1-26
python3-uamqp < 1.6.0-3
python3-upm < 2.0.0-15
python3-upoints < 0.12.2-24
python3-upt-cpan < 0.5-12
python3-upt-fedora < 0.3-11
python3-upt-pypi < 0.4-11
python3-upt-rubygems < 0.2-11
python3-uri-templates < 0.6-29
python3-vcstools < 0.1.42-14
python3-versiontools < 1.9.1-34
python3-vertica < 1.0.5-5
python3-visionegg-quest < 1.1-17
python3-woffTools < 0.1-0.38
python3-wstool < 0.1.18-12
python3-xds-protos < 0.0.11-31
python3-xtermcolor < 1.3-28
python3-yamlordereddictloader < 0.4.0-16
python3-yourls < 0.2.0-31
python3-zabbix-api-erigones < 1.2.4-20
python3-zuul-client < 0.0.4-10
resultsdb < 2.2.0-14
resultsdb_frontend < 2.1.2-14
sagemath < 9.8-2
sagemath-core < 9.8-2
sagemath-data < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-combinatorial_designs < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-conway_polynomials < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-elliptic_curves < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-elliptic_curves_large < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-etc < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-graphs < 9.8-2
sagemath-data-polytopes_db < 9.8-2
sagemath-jupyter < 9.8-2
sagemath-sagetex < 9.8-2
scudcloud < 1.65-17
sendKindle < 3-15
seqdiag < 3.0.0-6
sgmanager < 2.0.0-14
sssd-libwbclient < 2.3.1-3
sssd-libwbclient-devel < 2.3.1-3
stgit < 1.5-5
sugar-paint < 70-12
swid-tools < 0.8.18-3
texlive-elegantbook < svn64122-67
texlive-elegantnote < svn62989-67
texlive-elegantpaper < svn62989-67
texlive-pgf-cmykshadings < svn52635-67
texlive-tablestyles < svn34495.0-67
texlive-tablestyles-doc < svn34495.0-67
thunarx-python < 0.5.2-7
transmageddon < 1.5-31
upt < 0.10.3-14
vitables < 3.0.2-17
vitables-doc < 3.0.2-17
whipper-plugin-eaclogger < 0.5.0-11
woffTools < 0.1-0.38
yokadi < 1.2.0-7
Conflicts No Conflicts
rpmlib(CaretInVersions) <= 4.15.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1
rpmlib(TildeInVersions) <= 4.10.0-1
Recommends No Recommends
Suggests No Suggests
Supplements No Supplements
Enhances No Enhances
1 through 2 of 2
Name Size ascending sort
/usr/share/doc/fedora-obsolete-packages0.00 B
/usr/share/doc/fedora-obsolete-packages/README150.00 B
Component of No Buildroots